Video Marketing For Enhanced Business Growth!

video marketing for enhanced business growth

The consumers of today’s world have significantly changed how they interact with various brand messages. They want more exciting content to establish a connection. No longer bland marketing tactics work. Businesses have the persistent need to try out new strategies and adapt to those that perform well. It is always the path towards increasing your brand and your business growth.

It takes a conscious effort for business managers to build effective marketing campaigns to create a distinct identity for the brand with their customers.

On that note, we will now look into an aspect of Digital Content Marketing—Videos. Marketing videos for business plays a significant role in enabling conversions and engagement with the target audience. Let us now explore why video marketing strategy can enhance your business growth and how you can integrate it into your business.

Why Is Video Marketing Essential?

To bring out the importance of video content marketing, let us talk numbers!

  • It is estimated that around 85% of all organizations across industries use Videos in their marketing for business growth.
  • The importance given to Videos as a part of the marketing campaign has increased from 73% in 2015 to around 96% in 2022.
  • 84% of the people are most likely to purchase a product after watching the brand’s videos.
  • Nearly 70% of individuals who are currently not utilizing video intend to incorporate it into their activities in the year 2024.

Now, you might be convinced that video optimization is a very important strategy in establishing a brand’s online presence. These statistics are only the peak of an iceberg. The benefits of video marketing are a lot and aid in the brand-building purposes.

Three Pillars Of A Great Video Content Strategy

Video content marketing isn’t the typical “pick the phone, shoot a video, and post it!” formula! A meticulous thought process is essential in developing a great Video Marketing strategy. Here’s what you need to do with the best corporate video makers in Chennai to craft an impactful marketing campaign.

1 – Clear Objective:

No matter the content, the message you say, and to whom you say it matters the most. Create an objective that remains the sole purpose of the Video Marketing Campaign. Who do you want to target? What would you like to emphasize about the brand to them? What returns/outcomes do you expect? The answer to these questions paves the way towards a solid campaign.

2 – Stay True To The Voice Of The Brand:

The colors, the voiceover, the images, the shots—every little detail in the video must reflect the true essence of the brand. If your brand stands for happiness, show it in every frame. If your brand stands for simplicity, show it in every little aspect of the making. People always prefer brands that stay true to their purpose and image.

3 – Personalized Content:

It is suggested to offer content that creates a sense of connection with the target audience. Content that is made to resonate with the customers on a personal level makes the brand more potent and memorable.

Forms of Video Marketing

Typically, most companies produce the following forms of video content strategy for their business.

Product Videos:

These videos exhibit the characteristics and advantages of a product, providing an in-depth understanding of its operational aspects. Such videos may play a role in your marketing plan for the product, enabling prospective clients to grasp the product’s worth before making a purchase. Additionally, the product videos for marketing offer the extra advantage of diminishing the burden on customer support by handling the frequently asked questions and illustrating methods to resolve typical problems.

Corporate Videos:

A corporate video is a promotional or informational video created by a business entity to communicate its message, values, products, or services to internal or external stakeholders. It serves as a powerful tool for marketing, training, and building brand identity, often produced with professional production standards for a polished presentation.


Animated films offer an imaginative and captivating method for explaining intricate notions or conceptual thoughts. These video content for social media are ideal as they possess visual allure and can streamline complex data into a more easily understandable structure. Through the capability to regulate every facet of animation, businesses can guarantee that the video harmonizes seamlessly with their brand essence and communication, rendering them as a versatile instrument within a video marketing approach.

Tutorial Videos:

Tutorial videos serve an instructive purpose, delivering worth by imparting fresh knowledge or resolving specific issues for the viewers. These videos establish the brand as a knowledgeable entity in the industry, cultivating confidence and trust. By presenting remedies via instructional videos, businesses captivate their audience and generate natural traffic through search engines, as people frequently seek instructional content online.


Advertisements are a fundamental element in video marketing strategy as they strategically endorse a product or service and kindle curiosity in the audience. Their construction aims for an engaging, memorable, and easily shareable nature, ensuring a broad and interactive audience. These short video advertising can generate substantial traffic and conversions, empowering with a persuasive call to action. Additionally, it helps establish them as an essential component of a firm’s video marketing approach.

BTS Or Behind-The-Scenes Videos:

Videos that unveil what occurs behind the scenes provide a sneak peek into the organizational culture and the individuals steering the brand, establishing an intimate link with the viewers. These marketing tactics personify the brand and illustrate openness, constructing reliance and loyalty. Such behind-the-scenes footage elevates the genuineness and relatability of the brand by highlighting the dedication and collaboration involved in bringing forth a product or service.

Videos Of Occasions:

Videos of occasions or event videos capture the fundamental nature of a real-time occurrence, assembly, or workshop, enabling individuals who are unable to participate to undergo it virtually. They prolong the duration of the occurrence, generating an enduring asset that sustains involvement from spectators well beyond the event’s completion. Moreover, event videos can be transformed into more concise segments of video content for social media publications, providing supplementary significance and broadening the brand’s influence throughout online platforms.

Videos Of Interviews In Podcasts:

Videos showcasing podcast interviews deliver an audible and visual encounter, furnishing a stage for extensive conversations or discussions. They represent a potent medium of marketing videos for business proficiency and perceptions, positioning the brand as a pioneer of ideas within its sector. Additionally, the concise format of podcast videos facilitates a more profound connection with the audience, forming a dedicated community around perceptive and worthwhile material.

Videos About Customer Experiences:

Visuals featuring customer experiences spotlight authentic instances of the favorable effects a product or service has had on its users. These visuals offer social confirmation and establish trustworthiness by presenting tangible outcomes and commendations. Through depicting genuine tales of triumph, videos portraying customer experiences connect with prospective clients, easing reservations and motivating them to pursue the intended course of action.

Live Or Streaming Videos:

Live or streaming videos generate an immediate involvement encounter, allowing spectators to engage with the brand promptly. They are unrehearsed and real, enhancing an authentic and individualized atmosphere. These video content marketing are superb for question-and-answer sessions, unveiling new products, displaying corporate culture, facilitating immediate responses and nurturing a robust community of involved supporters.

As a business, you can integrate all these forms of video marketing as you deem fit in the marketing process.

Benefits Of Partnering With An Agency For Video Creation

Whether it’s for marketing, training, or storytelling, videos offer a dynamic and engaging way to convey messages. While many businesses recognize the importance of incorporating video into their strategies, not all have the expertise or resources to create high-quality content. This is where partnering with a professional video creation agency can make a significant impact. In this blog post, we’ll explore seven compelling benefits of collaborating with an agency for your video production needs.

Professional Expertise:

Top branding agencies generally have a team of skilled and experienced professionals, including scriptwriters, directors, cinematographers, editors, and animators, ensuring a high-quality end product. 

Focus On Core Competencies:

Outsourcing video creation services to one of the best video production company, takes a lot of load off your team. It allows your lean marketing team to focus on core business initiatives and strategy while the agency can take care of the execution from resource allocation to filming and editing the final video


Popular video production companies often handle multiple projects simultaneously, benefiting from economies of scale that can result in cost savings compared to hiring an in-house team. 

Diverse Perspectives:

Agencies often have a diverse team of creative professionals who can bring fresh and innovative ideas to your video projects.


Agencies can handle projects of various sizes, whether a short promotional video or a comprehensive video marketing campaign, providing scalability based on your needs.

Access To Talent Networks:

Agencies often collaborate with a network of freelancers and specialists, allowing them to bring in specific talents tailored to your project requirements.

Consistency In Branding:

Agencies understand the importance of maintaining consistent branding across different videos. They can ensure that your videos align with your brand identity and messaging.

Measurable Results & Analytics:

Agencies can provide insights and analytics on video performance, allowing you to measure the effectiveness of your video content and make informed decisions for future projects.

Infinix – Your Go-to Partner for Video Marketing

Video marketing is an indispensable tool for businesses seeking enhanced growth and brand recognition in today’s consumer preferences. Each video form serves a unique purpose, from showcasing product features to providing a glimpse of organizational culture. 

Infinix, the best digital marketing company in Chennai, delivers exceptional video production and marketing services. At the heart of our success lies a dynamic team of skilled professionals combining creativity with technical prowess. Our diverse experts collaborate seamlessly to craft compelling visual narratives that captivate audiences. With a wealth of experience and a keen understanding of market trends, Infinix ensures each project receives a tailored touch. 

One of our remarkable moves is an engaging reel we created for Zeroin Academy, unveiling a unique opportunity for aspiring bakers in Chennai. This exclusive 3-month diploma in baking and patisserie captivated a substantial audience, reaching an impressive 2,09,038 individuals. This strategic triumph was made on Instagram, meticulously targeting the right audience based on their interest in baking and patisserie, coupled with precise age group and location parameters. This Instagram-exclusive initiative showcases Infinix’s prowess in leveraging social media for impactful outreach. From concept ideation to flawless execution, our team’s dedication guarantees impactful and results-driven video content, making Infinix the go-to choice for unparalleled digital storytelling and marketing excellence.

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